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What He Doesn't Know Kandi Steiner Epub

What He Doesn't Know Kandi Steiner Epub

What He Doesn't Know book. Read 785 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. On the northeast side of town, there is a. I don't usually like love triangles but this one was so perfect and the way Kandi Steiner handled everything was perfect that you don't mind.Get ready for Charlie, Cameron and Reece to take you to an. He Doesn't Know. By Kandi Steiner. Quick EPUB Download What He. A standalone teacher/student romance in the What He Doesn't Know series.


An intense and heart-wrenching love story that’ll have your ribs squeezing the life out of your heart and lungsI’ve read a couple of Kandi Steiner’s books previously, every single book of hers I read I think is her best. She’s one of those authors that doesn’t write just from the heart or her soul, every word she so brilliantly writes comes straight from her gut and it hits yours with such beautiful brutality that you can’t help but yearn for more. What He Doesn’t Know was a bit of a strange on for me. I went in excited and by the end of the first chapter I was so gripped that I desperately devoured every page as if it were a race to my death. To say that I adored this book would be putting it mildly.


What He Never Knew Kandi Steiner Read Online

This book wasn’t just an incredible read, it is one of the best books I’ve read so far this year and—in my opinion— Ms. Steiner’s best.I think readers will be really surprised by this plot. It is unique and heart-wrenching. It gives angst a whole new lease of life.

The more I read the more conflicted I felt. This is a love triangle like no other I have ever read. I thought that my opinions would be clear-cut. I thought I knew how I would feel. The reality is I had no freaking idea what this book would do to me.

It took me on an emotional rollercoaster that had me questioning myself and my morals. I don’t want to say too much because this is a book that requires the reader to go in with an open mind and free of expectations. This story is poetic in its essence and delivery. It’s every bit unapologetic as it is sensitive to the subjects it portrays. It’s a masterpiece with characters that are so deep and stunning that you can’t imagine not loving every single one of them. I felt for Charlie, I ached for her as though I was I were aching for myself. There were times that I willed her to be stronger and others where I desperately wanted her to let go and just take what she needed against all my better judgements.

I thought that I would know who was in the right and who was not, but in the end I felt just as deeply for Cameron as I did Reece and I could not discount one for the other. The situation in its entirety is so fraught that it’s impossible to say whose pain and needs are more important. There is no easy right or wrong. No distinct and easily perceivable conclusion.If I could’ve stayed up all night and read this book without interruptions and breaks I would’ve done it without a second thought. It made me hurt beyond anything I could’ve prepared for, yet it made me stop and see past the social beliefs and expectations. It was such a emotionally intense and imposing story and I’m quite literally on the edge of my seat waiting for What He Always Knew (book #2). I am counting down the next two weeks to release way with more rapture than a holiday to tropical paradise!About the Book.

On the northeast side of town, there is a house.The house was once magical, filled with love and joy and plans for the future.Inside its walls are many things that belong to me — my books, the china from my mother on my wedding day, the beautiful cage once home to two birds, now empty, just like me.And a man.A man who also belongs to me.A man I no longer wish to keep.A man who, no doubt, has not slept, though the sun is rising. Because the house where he waits is where I laid my head to rest every night for eight years. Until last night.No one who knows me would believe Charlie Pierce, the quiet, bookish girl who never made waves is pulling out of the driveway of a man who isn’t her husband.But they don’t know me at all.I don’t even know me.Not anymore.They say there are two sides to every story, and I suppose in most cases, that’s true. But the one I live inside of? It has three.On the northeast side of town, there is a house.But there is no longer a home.

Buy the book. “Stop,” I said quickly, both to comfort her and to fight against the burning in my throat.I didn’t even have the thought in my head before my hands were reaching for her, pulling her into me for a hug. I should have hesitated, should have remembered that she belonged to another man, but it was instinctive in that moment — the urge to stop her pain.She was so small in my arms, the faint scent of coffee fresh on her breath, a few strands of her silky hair falling loose from her bun.

I rested my chin on top of her head, rubbing her back with one hand. Really, it is.

What He Doesn't Know Kandi Steiner Epub Vk

I don’t hold anything against you and neither did Mallory.”“She must have hated me,” Charlie whispered.“She didn’t. She loved you, we all did.”I still do.“It’s not fair the way life works out sometimes, but it’s okay, and you didn’t do anything wrong.

You had your own life to live here, Tadpole, and we had our own things happening in New York. It’s okay,” I repeated, hoping she believed me.“You don’t hate me?”She looked up at me then, her dark eyes glossed over with unshed tears, and I just chuckled.“I could never hate you, Charlie.”She sniffed, a small smile finding her bright pink mouth.And I knew I should let her go.I’d said what needed to be said, I’d eased her worry, but still, I held her. I swallowed, and her eyes fell to my throat before they glanced at my lips, sending a familiar zing of warning through me. It was the same warning I’d felt every time she looked at me that way when she was just a teenager, when the five years between us forbid us from ever being this close.But it was a new warning, too. One that said she’s married.My hands at the small of her back tightened, and my eyes watched hers, both of our smiles fading. I wanted to ask her if she was okay, if she was happy, if Cameron was what she wanted. But I had no right to ask any of those things.Still, I held her.Charlie watched my lips, like she was willing me to say something.

I opened my mouth to grant her unspoken wish just as her dad’s voice called from the house.“Charlie! Cam’s here!”She stepped away from me quickly, a bit of her coffee sloshing out of her cup as she hiccuped again. “Sorry.”“Charlie,” I tried, but she was already making her way through the yard.“Thank you for coming tonight,” she called behind her. “I know my parents really appreciated it. I did, too.”I caught up to her easily, reaching for her wrist to stop her. She spun, looking up at me with flushed cheeks.“I have to go.”“I know,” I said softly, reaching for the half-empty cup in her hand. “I’ll take this inside for you.”She looked at my hand on hers, her grip still tight around the mug.

Slowly, she loosened it, letting me take the porcelain from her grasp. “Thank you.”I waited until her gaze found mine again.

“See you at school.”“See you at school,” she echoed quickly, and then her little feet carried her the rest of the way across the yard.I followed behind her, pausing at the front door as she made her way to the open car door waiting for her. Cameron stood beside it, one hand on the top of the door, his eyes hard on me when I took my place next to Charlie’s parents on the door step.“Don’t forget to call me about the fundraiser, Charlie!” her mom called, and Charlie just held up a hand in a short wave, not even looking behind her.Before she could step into the car, Cameron’s hand found the crook of her arm, and she paused, looking up at him. His hand slid up the outside of her coat, up her slender neck to frame her face, and then he bent to kiss her.When their lips connected, I looked away, down at the half-empty coffee cup in my hands, still stained with her pink lipstick.“Young love,” Maxwell chuffed, smiling at me before clapping me on the back. “What do you say, Reese? Join an old man for a cigar?”I chanced one last glance at Charlie, and immediately wished I hadn’t.

She was looking up at Cameron like that kiss had brought her back to life, like he was the only man she ever wanted, and I had to remind myself that he was.Cameron was her husband. I was the boy who used to live next door.The sooner I got that through my head, the better.Charlie slipped inside the car, and Cameron closed the door softly behind her, waving goodbye to all of us on the porch one last time. He watched me the longest, his brows low, and I knew that look in his eyes. He was threatened, and he was warning me. I’d have done the same thing if Charlie was mine.“A cigar sounds great,” I finally answered.

My eyes flicked to the window Charlie sat behind, but it was too tinted to see her through it. She was there, she was close, yet she was invisible.

She was untouchable.She was no different behind the barrier of that car door than she was to me in real life, and I needed to remember that.With that realization, I tore my gaze away and followed her father into his study.(From Kandi Steiner's Goodreads) TeasersThis slideshow requires JavaScript. Kandi Steiner is a Creative Writing and Advertising/Public Relations graduate from the University of Central Florida living in Tampa. Kandi works full time as a social media specialist, but also works part time as a Zumba fitness instructor and blackjack dealer.Kandi started writing back in the 4th grade after reading the first Harry Potter installment. In 6th grade, she wrote and edited her own newspaper and distributed to her classmates. Eventually, the principal caught on and the newspaper was quickly halted, though Kandi tried fighting for her “freedom of press.” She took particular interest in writing romance after college, as she has always been a die hard hopeless romantic (like most girls brought up on Disney movies).When Kandi isn’t working or writing, you can find her reading books of all kinds, talking with her extremely vocal cat, and spending time with her friends and family.

She enjoys beach days, movie marathons, live music, craft beer and sweet wine – not necessarily in that order.

What He Doesn't Know Kandi Steiner Epub